If you cannot connect to then you will have to look at what other programs on your PC may be interfering with connecting to the Companion. What you see isn’t important, it is the fact that you can see it. Note: There may only be the line “Directory /” or you may *also* see a listing of files which you should recognize as project assets (images, sounds etc.). If you get a directory listing (it will start with “Directory /”) then you are talking to the Companion. To test if this is the problem, while in this state, use your browser to go to Similarly if another program is using port 8001 the same thing can happen. If something is blocking that port, then it will not be able to receive any blocks. Instead you continue to see the “white screen” of the Companion claiming that it is waiting to get blocks. Some people have reported getting the Emulator running and even the Companion, but then their blocks do not load.